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A care a.s. divize MEDICAL

Poskytuje nejkvalitnější služby ve zdravotnictví a medicíně, servisu, sledování výzkumu, nejmodernějších medicínských postupů a objevů.

800 880 834
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Nitrooční čočky silikonové

MicroSil® Secura-sA

Foldable three piece posterior chamber lens – standard, special, customized, customized plus

MicroSil® Secura-sAY

Foldable three-piece posterior chamber lens with blue light protection

MicroSil® Torica-s

Foldable toric three piece posterior chamber lens – standard, special, customized, customized plus

MicroSil® Torica-sY

Foldable three-piece toric posterior chamber lens for sulcus implantation

MicroSil® Torica-sPB

Foldable three piece posterior chamber lens for piggyback implantation for sulcus fixation – standard, special, customized, customized plus

MicroSil® Secura-sPB

Foldable three-piece posterior chamber lens for piggyback implantation

MicroSil® Secura-sS

Foldable three-piece posterior chamber lens for fulcus fixation – standard, special

MicroSil® Secura-sSY

Foldable three-piece posterior chamber lens for fulcus fixation with blue light protection

MicroSil® Diffractiva-s

Diffractive three piece posterior chamber lens

MicroSil® Diffractiva-sS

Diffractive three piece posterior chamber lens for sulcus fixation

MicroSil® Torica-sY

Foldable toric three piece posterior chamber lens with blue light protection – standard, special, customized, customized plus

MicroSil® Torica-sSY

Three piece posterior chamber silicone lens for sulcus fixation with blue light protection – customized, customized plus

MicroSil® Torica-sPBY

Foldable three piece posterior chamber lens for piggyback implantation for sulcus fixation with blue light protection – standard, special, customized, customized plus

Artificial Iris

Individual import

MicroSil® MS 612 Black

Foldable three piece posterior chamber lens (Individual import)

MicroSil® Marfan

Foldable three piece posterior chamber lens for sulcus fixation


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